My husband who you all know runs, also runs when he is sick! So that of corse he never gets over his cold which then turns into a cough,sneezing, towitt he coughs everywhere, there is not enough lysol in thes house to cover it. Also it makes me sneeze if I use too much of it. However it is a nessary evil with him being sick.
Saquesterting him in the spare room does not help becasue he uses the computer which then also needs to be sprayed.
This has been going on for a week , I now have the itchy throat the crying eyes the aches and the runny nose and cough.
Sleep is a thing of the past, its cold medicine and Buckleys.
Vicks is my new perfume and I now own shares in Kleenex, and yet no one is making me soup or dinner for that matter.
I look like crap , my upper lip is red from wiping a drippy nose and vasaline is my close compainion.
Did I mention I had everyone, not really; but it feels that way I espically hate empting garabage containers full of Kleenex.
So I send a warning to you , if anyone sneezes in your direction smack them with a heavy skillet , otherwise they will never learn.
Germs are not our friends!
Have a good week and stay away from the sicko's in your area!
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