Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Were having a heat wave, but there is no surf nor sand

This week we seem to be having a quite a few hot days and warm nights, I love sleeping with the windows open and feeling a breeze come through .
Had a lovely long chat with my gal pal Peg. its nice to talk to a friend and we bounce from topic of this and that and have a smile or a laugh, she's fabulous!
Last night my boss came by as she went walking to the lake which is near my house and had some Gelato and tea and some hilarious conversation about different ethnic customs, she is Siri Lankin and I am Italian but it seems some things are the same in every culture.
For instance in Italian culture if a spouse dies you should mourn for a year or three for that person and wear only black then balck and white and then color. Well in Siri Lankin its Black for three month's then black and white for eight months then white then color. Iam taking a break from the running epiloge to write some other stuff that might pop into my head.
My daughter has gotton a job at last at an animal hospital and I am thrilled, its what she wants to do and she will be taking a course to be a an animal tech. when she goes back to collage.
Well I am going to therapy now for my hip so ..later

Thursday, June 18, 2009

It's fathers Day....

Those of us who were lucky enough to grow up with wonderful decent fathers, they worked hard and were our strength and our safe harbors when we needed them to be.
We thank you and love you and now that your gone miss you which a terrible ache,we miss that we can't give you those dorky fathers day cards or the gifts you hid away in the back room cupboard and never used.Our absolute favorite watching you scratch and win but mostly lose loto cards and then the cursing after. Thanks Daddy for bing you always Nellie

Thursday, June 4, 2009

I'm overwhelmed and never paid!

These couple of weeks I've been a little peeve ed at how things are progressing around here for me and that I'd like to get back to some sort of normal,I'm sure the two others would like that as well.

The runners circuit is coming full throttle as I see in the distant summer future weekends he'll be away for this race or that race, I need a part time husband/ house fixer/ gardener/what ever else needs doing.
Not enough hours in the month never mind the day.
I wonder if Mother Theresa helps selfish wives if I prayed for help. or on the other hand that movie"my life in ruins" could be a nice escape for an hour and thirty two minutes.
I gotta go do my physio , so later you all!