Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Reemembering those we love and have lost

Happy Birthday Daddy , you would have been 87 years  younge, Barb on Sunday we all will gather in your memory  to walk for the cure!!LOVE YOU BOTH, FROM THE FAMILY!!!

Monday, September 7, 2009

The Art of Laminating or Lamenting..You choose!

This is the continuation of our dinner at our friends in Port Perry,
The barbique was igniated the tongs were ready the beasts prepared ,
Yum Peg's marinated chichen and Chops, always excellent
Her pasta salad with grilled vegies  most delious
Greek ceasare salad  [2 helpings me]
Sangria  was par excellence and I had several glasses after my lime beer.Neil did  a terrific job of it.
No I am not an alky.
Jamie let me have a sip of a concoction her and Peg put together  it was tart but very good , had tequila,lime cordial and spritzer .
The evening included free fire works via the neighbors and a full moon and starry night how perfect.

pss.... Graham spotted a whole bunch of big birds that turned out to be young turkeys across the street from his drive way we all went out to see , Dan took a phone picture, there were about 8 or 9 of them very kool will see if the daughter will add it to the blogfor me.

Ovarian Cancer Month

Ladies be sure to paint your toes while you still can this month before the cold weather set in, the color is teal in support for ovarian cancer awareness.
Go to Http;bleedingespresso for more info.
Ovarian cancer immitates Irriatable bowl , unless you have been diagnosed by an oncoliogist to have irriatable bow then you need to be tested  for both. Don't ever wait!!!!
Remember this  FORCE   force face risk of cancer.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Port Perry, New friends and alternate uses for Laminate flooring!!

Left home at 2.30pm
Thought were to be there for 4
Thought wrong , it was 3
Went shopping in Port Perry first
Got to Peg's at 4.30 , very bad person [me]
All is forgiven by Peg{good person}
Drinks all around , great
Admire recent new renovations , just beautiful , kitchen Island fabulous, Deck looking intimate and unique.
Finally meet Neil and Peg's friends Jamie and Jerry K.
Mr. and Mrs. K. are today proud grandparents of 5th new grand son born that very morn
Congrats all the way around
More drinks and noshing , awaiting phone call so Mr. and Mrs. K go  for quick visit to new grand son
Call comes in and off they fly, just wonderful, soon to return with photo
After three women attempt to retrieve photo op of new babe, but to no avail
It took a 10 year Graham to finally bring it up on the camera, which we must state was new to all
Coo's and Awes............. back to drinking and sunshine and noshing
More tomorrow gotta run going to mom's today.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Daughter for sale cheap!

This morning when I went down to retrieve some laundry I had forgotten in the washer last night I came across a fiasco in the laundry area. The sheets and towels and what not thrown on top of the dryer not in it wet and stinky now, and my illustrious daughters cloths in the washer not washed but soaking in a vat of waters she neglected to turn the dial over enough to start the agitation. A jug of laundry detergent on the floor flowing in front of the washer..I have just spoken to her about this to which she replies I didn't know what you wanted me to do with the stuff in the washer , well common sense would dictate you throw it in the dryer not on top I replied.
I hope some day a child of hers will tax her as much as she has taxed mine.Or a friend what ever!!!!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

" The course of true love never did run smooth" All righty then!

Yesterday was the 34  anniverasary of my marriage to a man I no longer reconize, and I'm sure he will the same about me.
Physically he is as thin as a rail < I on the other  hand have plumbed up a bit  , meno does that, remember the day you could drop 10 pounds in a week, now it takes 3 months.
The day played out as any other I cleaned,  went for my walk.  and then made dinner.
Although I baked a scrumptious carrot cake with walnuts and crushed pineapple in ait YUM.
We exchanged cards , I got cash for my up coming trip to Lake Lousie in Alberta,he got 6 bars of zest soap,
he runs and he smells so that the reason for the soap.
He went upstairs after dinner to watch hours of CSI anything and I read in the family room.
The romance was overwhelming, ah well, life is a mystery, I didn't even get liquored up other than tea..