Sunday, August 14, 2011

K ous not the secrett Russion service of Get Smart but the life theory!

This was a week of K ous, started with doctor appointment for me Monday , specialist did two test and took one home to do, Tuesday mom goes home and Dan returns with test wrong bottle , so returns home with right bottle and have to redo test again, Donna my girlfriend comes over for cofee that night and reviews movie of wedding, Serena leaves Wednesday with Dan to do job interview for Kitchener, then they have dinner together with Dave abd his parents.
Thursday went to High tea with Dan in Brooklawn I guess he feels guilty about something, no particular reason he saw it on wag log and bought it for 15,00 , then went grocery shopping , Friday went to work , went out with girls after got home at 11 pm.
Saturday had a headache for most of day did laundry and not much wlse, oh spoke to Peg she was having some difficulty geting seat confirmations on her flight at the send of August.
Sunday Dan buggered off as ususall to run with friends I phoned cousin in Sicily , there will be a big festival at the port tonight to begin Fer Agosto.Dancing, live bands and drinking and then some people will swim in the moonlight, hey don't they know sharks like to hunt at night!
Her sons will have bon fires on the beach and sleep out there.
Going to Marions for dinner later on and thats about it for now.

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