Friday, May 28, 2010

A little Sicilian history concering my village Termini Imerese

Short Story No. 4: There are many stories involving King Ferdinando di Borbone. One is about two Sicilian farmers, one from Trabia and one from Termini Imerese, both towns located in province of Palermo. When the King traveled through Trabìa, a farmer offered him a bucket of figs and while waiting to receive something in return, the King offended said to him: "By giving me this bucket of figs, do you think I am a poor starving person?" and had his guards cast him away. This news spread very fast and when the King traveled through Termini Imerese, a cleverer farmer approached the King and offered him a bucket of pears, declaring: "A gran signori, pìcciulu prisenti!/To a great man, a small gift". The king liked those kind words so much that not only did he thank the farmer, but also gave him a bag full of golden coins. He was a French King from the Boubon line of Louie the 14th

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