Runners share one thought- one dream-one all encompassing obsession..they need to run and to record details of that run- an on going record:what time did they run
the length of the run
the terrain of the roads, hills flats, valleys
weather conditions , rain snow sleet hail
wind velocity
how they felt during the run,after the run
any sprains, cramps or other physical distress
There are journals sold for just such a reason...go figure
On their return they compare the results to endless lists of previous training records hoping to shave off a second here and there.
When not running the read books about [what else] other runners, they email each other, share techniques{ what one foot in front of the other is hard] they compare and critique.
All this amounts to is its a catalyst for a faster run in a shorter time.
Lord help me!
Borrrrinnng but not to the runner. Do they speak of what clothing is best for running...I assume TIGHTS?